Some retailers have exclusive pre-order bonuses for those who place an order with them, but they are limited to standard physical versions of the game. This set includes Blue Protection Seeds, Blue Power Seeds, and skill Points that will help players start improving Sonic’s stats. However, anyone who pre-orders the base game can receive a set known as the Adventurer’s Treasure Chest. Digital Deluxe comes with a “mini soundtrack” of 25 tracks and a digital art book, as well as an “Explorer Treasure Chest” that gives players a pretty strong starting boost with several Amy Rose memory tokens, Cyber Space portal gear, several keys to the Chaos Emerald vault and some unique cosmetic items for Sonic. Sonic Frontiers has two different versions: standard and digital Deluxe versions. Fans have a few different options to choose from, but thankfully they’re not as confusing as what Sonic Origins has to offer.

Judging by the latest trailer, the game certainly looks promising, and now pre-orders for the game are open for those who want to keep their copy. After Sonic Frontiers became known to fans thanks to quite complex marketing campaigns over the past few months, the presence of the game at Gamescom 2022 revived the opinion of many future players about the title.